We have an exclusive interview and competition for you lucky Falcon lovers. We have teamed up with the Founder of Qnola, the very talented Danielle Copperman who has recently written a ‘Recipes & Rituals’ book called Wellbeing. Read on for her interview and visit us via Instagram to be in for the chance of winning an issue of Wellbeing, a set of 12cm bowls in pigeon grey and some amazing Qnola product.

Can you tell us a bit about you and about Qnola? How did Qnola come about? 

I first started making it for myself to take on shoots as I struggled to find really nourishing snacks on set. After writing about it on my blog, I had loads of direct orders from people via email, the next thing I knew Selfridges were requesting samples!

What can we expect from your newly released Recipe & Rituals book, Well Being?

My book Well Being is a selection of recipes and rituals designed to realign the body and mind, by reducing stress, easing digestive issues and bringing awareness to the breath and natural movement to balance the energy or the body and mind. It provides simple practises to increase energy levels and positivity whilst reducing things like anxiety and low mood. You can expect recipes and rituals categorised into times of the day (morntime for energy, daytime to reduce stress, in between time for focus and concentration, evening time for easing out of work mode and night time for relaxation), as well as recipes using all-natural ingredients to nourish the body and help it to thrive by swapping processed foods for nature’s provisions.

What does ‘well being’ mean to you? 

To me Well Being means so many things and I think the term can apply to all areas of life. In short, it means to exist ‘well’. It is a state of being; in alignment, in balance and content. It not only means this in how you feel, but also how you function, think and act, and how you exist in all areas of life. 

What do you think makes for a good product/design (for the kitchen) and can it bring a sense of well being? 

I love minimal but purposeful design and apply this in the kitchen too. I don’t do bright colours so like to keep everything a shade of white, cream, grey, navy, and have a lot of items made from oak or other natural, earthy materials. I think keeping the kitchen spacious and free from clutter brings a sense of well being to the space, and whilst my kitchen is overflowing with ingredients and usually a bit of a mess, I love to keep the countertops spacious and my ingredients organised, so any nifty designs that can make a place look nice whilst also having useful properties.

Do you have a favourite ritual?

I love tapping in the mornings, to invigorate and energise my body and mind, especially if I don’t have time to get to a class or the gym. It’s not EFT which is a more specific form of tapping but it’s a technique I picked up whilst studying Shiatsu and it is a super simple and quick way get energy flowing first thing in the morning. All it involves is gently tapping each of the body with a loose fist or fingertips (more on page 49 of Well Being).

Do you have a favourite recipe? 

One of my favourites from the book is the sweet potato gratin, as it’s super easy and it can be enjoyed as a side with almost any main meal. It’s not as fancy as it sounds and it’s probably one of the recipes I make the most as it’s simple and also inexpensive to make.

How do you use/How would you use Falcon Enamelware in the kitchen?

It’s so versatile; I actually use it in my bathroom and bedroom too. I use the beige tumblers as a toothbrush holder and also for bits and bobs in my room. In the kitchen I love the large deep plates for most of my meals, the 12cm bowls for making dressings and the tumblers for my favourite tonics and water infusions. 

Click here for more on Danielle Copperman