Baking supplies & cookware

The Falcon Enamelware range is an excellent gift for friends or family that love to bake. Our kitchenware range equips your kitchen with the baking supplies and cookware tools you need for an afternoon spent baking. Find out more about how our enamelware can be used for baking, prepping storing or explore our tasty curated recipes in our Journal.

Hot Cross Buns



  • Makes 8 buns

  • •​​ 300g of self raising flour
    •​​ 215g of plain yoghurt - greek, natural or plant based
    •​​ 100ml of milk - cows or plant based
    •​​ 3 tsp of ground cinnamon
    •​​ 2 tsp of ground mixed spice
    •​​ 1 tsp of baking powder
    •​​ 40g of golden caster sugar (optional)
    •​​ 140g of seedless raisins
  • For the cross
  • •​​ 75g of plain flour
    •​​ 1 tbsp of sugar (optional)
    •​​ 1 tbsp of syrup (agave nectar or fruit syrup) - optional


Add all the bun ingredients to a bowl and stir with a spoon to combine.

Tip the mixture onto a floured work surface and bring the dough together to form a ball. Flatten then use a knife to cut into 8 equal portions.

Roll each section into a bun and place onto a non-stick baking tray with an inch gap between each roll. If it’s sticking, roll in flour and quickly bring together. Try not to overwork the dough.

In a small bowl add the plain flour and optional sugar with just enough water to make a thick paste. Spoon this mixture into a sandwich bag, squeeze the mixture to one corner, snip 0.5cm off the edge of the corner and pipe your crosses onto the buns.

Bake for 15-20 mins at 180 d/ 365f fan assisted until risen well and browned nicely on top. Tap under each bun, if it sounds hollow they should be ready.

Once your buns are out of the oven and still hot, using a pastry brush, apply a thin layer of syrup to the top of the buns. This step is optional, but a healthier alternative to the traditional method of brushing over warmed jam.

Store in an airtight container and reheat in the oven if it becomes stale.