Fry the lardons in a good knob of butter and start on a low heat so the bacon fat can render.
Once crispy, remove with a slotted spoon. Add the croutons to the pan to crisp up in the bacony butter. Fry on a gentle to medium heat turning until golden all over.
Prep the bitter leaves - wash in cold water and use the salad spinner to dry and set aside. Pick down the parsley by removing the stalk but keeping the leaf integeral.
Make the dressing by adding the yolk, anchovies and lemon juice either to a nutribullet, tub and stick blender or a blender. Blitz until smooth then add the creme fraiche, mustard and half theolive oil. Let the dressing emulsify and thicken, then add the rest of the olive oil and a good handful of parmesan. Season liberally with black pepper and a small pinch of salt (the anchovies are salty!). If the dressing is too thick, loosen with a touch of boiling water until you have the desired consistency, thicker is better. Try the dressing and adjust seasoning where necessary, it could take more lemon if you like citrusy dressing.
Assemble the salad in a large bowl, mix the leaves, croutons (leave few croutons for mopping at the end) and lardons, seasoning the leaves with flaky salt and pepper. Plate onto an Oval and drizzle again with good olive oil and a good fine grating parmesan.